Sam Altman says it's not intelligence.
Hym "And he's right! The number 1 skill you need to succeed is the ability to rape your sister and get away with it! It's the ultimate skill! The no. 2 skill is the ability to steal from geniuses and the no. 3 skill is the ability to get people to lie or keep secrets for you! See, I know all the skills."
A statement used when someone is provoking you to fight; used with someone you don’t like that is getting on your nerves.
Marley: I really don’t like you
Zakiya: Ho do you need that? (Do you want to fight?)
Marley: oh we can go right now.
When someone says “Do you need that?” they’re basically challenging the other person. It’s usually said in a condescending or provoking way, almost like daring the other person to back up their words or actions. It can also come off as a warning, as if to say
After the guy kept talking tough, Jason stepped closer and smirked, saying, “Do you need that?”—almost daring him to make a move.
Do you need that is a slang people at my school made it essentially means Do you need that attitude
"do you need that attittude?"
Person 343: The semen you need is in the bathtub 🛀
A women that don’t act right so her boyfriend day u just need some dick
Girl:daddy I fucking hate you
Boy:you just need some dick