The best husband in the world, have big dick energy and actual big dick, prefer to Top, like a lot, people surprised when he said he didn't like switching but it's the truth.
Yusuf al kaysani is the people I'd been taught to hate but now I married this man, no regret, said Nicoló di genova.
Lord Yusuf,
The flexer of the flexest, doesn’t think much is necessary, but has a lot. Worstest of the hostess. Takes away social media, but has all social media. Dislikes female roles in movies.
Give me your phone - Lord Yusuf
the best person ever. he’s a bit loud and can be annoying but has a massive heart and only has your best intentions in mind. usually comes up with dark, complex plans that have good outcomes. a true anti-hero and a perfect man. he’s also praised for his rugged good lucks. he is however a massive heart throb and a huge simp. don’t be surprised if he steals you girl ;)
“Yusuf Ahmed has such an odd personality but i love him”
A chill guy that has ferraris, but doesnt show he has money and he gets girls
Joe: This guy Yusuf Limbada sounds chill
John: Yes but he is also rich
Npc Blocks me on clash of clans due to insecurity amount of racial slurs.
Yusuf the goat translates to clash of clans Fortnite battle pass L slay ratio. Other meaning may include goated with the sauce Yusuf style on god. Jahames msndndjndjdhbh is the ancient readings of Ligma. It originates from 69 BC when the roaming among us was alive.
Sweetest and most amazing couple in existance tends to be cuter than a puppy
oh i wish we had a realtionship like yusuf and neti
someone who lacks common sense and is deemed worst than retarded. Irritating and very punchable.