Support me at World Klass season 2 audition for 30 episode i guess?
Support me at World Klass season 2 audition for 30 episode i guess?
A place where you go and get fucked up in the summer and have to run from the cops
When we have had enough of the nonsense. Early morning or late night, daily or hourly could come at any given moment..
what time is it ?. Bitch :30. ..... You know when we've had enough of the bullshit nonsense
30 day suspension from work
You I heard 16 people got 30 balls out yesterday, what happened?
Meaning 30 day work suspension
You I heard 16 ppl got 30 balls out
A female polygamist who's about to marry 30 fuckin husbands.
Little did the first husband know he would be the first of 30 for the 30 husband bachelorette. He also didn't know when he moved to the state of Metah that beheadings were the state capital punishment, and that she would have him and 5 other husbands beheaded over time.