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Deuce Deuce

A police officer and/or CO. Originating from prisons and county jails, this term is used to alert others of correctional officers entering the unit/cell block. Once out of incarceration, many former inmates continue to use this term to alert others of (a) law enforcement official(s) presence.

Most of us saw the correctional officer enter the unit. Many inmates yelled "deuce deuce!" in a vain attempt to alert the men smoking marijuana in the bathroom.

(inmate no.1)What happened to alI of your ass tobacco? (inmate no.2)I saw the deuce deuce coming in for the raid and I threw it across the unit. (inmate no.1) Daaaamn bro. That sucks!

by Oatmeal the serial killer September 2, 2017

deuce deuce

Fire gun that uses .22 caliber bullets

Take the deuce deuce, we're gonna need it

by og_gangsta_NY April 28, 2023

infinite deuce

when to people keep passing a shit by defecating in eachother non stop infinitly

yesterday i had an infinite deuce with bryson

by eggsssss May 16, 2022

Double deuce

Aka (a Deuce and a half) when one has a bowel movement, stands up to leave and by the act of standing, loosens another piece of feces and and one has to abandon the plan to leave the bathroom to go back,sit down and finish it again.

Also know as a gmc jimmy ton and a half truck Circa ww2.

Grampa told me about his war times and the big trucks he worked on, like the double deuce.

by Bonnie mc fucking cannon June 27, 2024

Double deuce

When both parties shit at the same time during sex.

I knew we were soulmates when we pulled a double deuce. It was love at first shit

by Supergoosh September 26, 2021

double deuce

Often referred to as 22oz beer/ alcoholic beverage. Much like (40's), are the 40 ounce counterpart.

Yo, grab me a double deuce Icehouse at the store and some black and milds.

by Slimothy smooth James January 15, 2021

Double Deuces

Double deuces means you love the class of 2022 and your teachers

Summa gave double deuces to her favorite teacher

by User14 January 20, 2022