When someone works with homeless people and gets infested with fleas.
Hey do you want to hang out with Sarah this weekend? No, that girl is the fleas knees.
A condition one suffers for being on the receiving end in a glory hole with a very dirty floor.
Hopefully you were compensated well for your services at the hole last night so you can correct your stink knees.
1. knee scabs, especially ones which are beginning to hang loose
1. That guy's shorts are showing off some serious hairy knee-boogers
When you think someone is being to much of a follower or giving more support as usual: doing a litte too much dick riding . you would use this term
" Knees bro I think your hyping him a little too much "
a word used in a sad persons example of her own name, heather
Guy 1: so this heather girl really is sad huh
Guy 2: yea one of the things she tagged was knees