Source Code

burning bush

When a male spreads tabasco sauce on a female's hairy vagina then eats her out.

During foreplay, Sabrina poured hot sauce on her forrest and made Mitchell eat her out; thus a burning bush.

by kamehame79 May 8, 2010

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grope burn

when you have dry sex and your penis is rubbed raw by the inside of your pants.

My dick i red from the grope burn my girlfreind gave me.

by sky May 9, 2003

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tweaker burns

1) The bleeding, oozing, scabby sores a meth addict gets when their body tries to purge the toxins through the skin and sweat glands.

2) The nasty pock marks and scars that look like burns resulting from picking at the skin in an attempt to get those imaginary tiny meth mites.

"Dude, quit pickin' at your tweaker burns you make me want to puke."

by Dr.Tedley May 5, 2007

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Brush Burn

An abrasion on one's body, usually occurs on back or knees, caused by the friction of having your skin moving rapidly across a surface.

That brush burn I got on my back Saturday night really hurts! I can't believe I didn't feel it while it was happening!

by Totally Random Jr. July 12, 2010

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chill burn

Something that "burns a chill" would be a scenario or event that would also kill a buzz or harsh a mellow. Such things include: loud noises, over-excited or un-chill people, running out of the means to be chill, eating the last cookie, etc. "burning a chill" is just another saying in accordance to harshing a mellow or killing a buzz.

Quite simply, a chill burn is a buzz kill.

"Hey man why don't we get off our asses and go out and do something fun?!?!"
"Dude, that would totally burn my chill"

"Spence, it's time to go shopping with me; you promised!"
"Relax, brosephine, you're such a chill burn."

by smackiethefrog May 9, 2009

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moose burn

1. the burn left on your ass after a moose drags you for a mile through rocks and tree branches

2. the burn left from a big black man's wang after he slaps you in the face with it

1. Whoa! I cant believe Bullwinkle was that hopped up on speed. He really didnt mean to give me moose burn. I know he loves me, he would never do that on purpose

2. Jamirashad got so mad at me last night he left a moose burn on my right cheeck. I have to go apply some gauze to it, see ya!

by alison January 6, 2004

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flash burn

The phenomenon of someone’s face being totally burnt / clipped out as white as a result of taking a picture too close to the camera or with a flash that is way too bright. Like sun burn, only caused momentarily by the bright light.

Wow, you have a major flash burn in that photo...

by 7obi March 29, 2006

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