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ancient age fighter og

Sean green

Ancient age fighter og is here and old as hell

by Theonlykida July 21, 2022

all the age

See: all the rage - but for people who don't realise it actually has an R and have been using this incorrect phrase for many years before being corrected and SHAMED.

That mobile phone is all the age!!
Wait. Don't you mean rage..? DAMN.

by Stern Goldie-Galloway February 13, 2011


(Alternative terms: Age forgery, Age fraud)

A personal term that I created myself that describes someone who wants to enter a place on the internet, but is blocked/prevented by rules/policies/community guidelines that only allow people aged 18 years old and over. So the person was forced to fake his age in order to enter the place

Discord Admin 1: "Well, I hope none of the members commit "Age-spoofing" here

Discord Admin 2: "Hehe, yeah....."

by bert222222 October 13, 2023

The Age of Cheeselessness

The sad dark period of geology before we can find traces of Cheese in the Earth.

Can you imagine what it must have been like to live in The Age of Cheeselessness?

I can hardly bear to think about it. It brings a tear to my eye. *sob*

by The Bigger Cheese January 11, 2011

1👍 2👎

Thee Dark Age of Loduha

From the 8th to the 13th century Slovakia was plagued by war and the black plague. It even reaches the mountains in which the Loduhans resided. this is the main reason why Didymus constructed the Chateau Loduha because he needed to escape the war on CNN and the black plague. Not much history is known on this era, as it was hardest to keep good history on the events during the wars against rogues. The Loduhan clan ultimately survived the dark age by scraping by as they ran a lowkey speakeasy and chapel in their cellar.

it seems like loduhan history is very scarce, right proffessor?
yes but Thee Dark Age of Loduha was the worst period for Loduhan clan historical notation
ohhhh ok.

by RogerMethod420 July 4, 2022

Ag Doodle

A hick who is a typical Agricultural Fucker.

Austin is definitely an Ag Doodle.

by fuckmeintheassbcilovejesus February 29, 2016