the idea that prostitution makes a significant contribution to the underground economy and should be legalized in order to accelerate a nation's economic growth
a prostitute's amy yu income inevitably contributes to the economy when he/she purchases drugs
An amazing mom who was killed on route 288 on a Wednesday night she will never be forgotten
I will never forget Amy Abbott
The realest friend you can get, and my bestmateee{Nice}
Amy o’neil, A very nice person, very kind and will always be a real friend.
"Hey you wanna meet my mom?"
"Sure, where is she?"
*points at the ground* "Right there! Hi Amy Miller!"
Amy is from Indiana. She’s never smoked and day in her life and never some drugs. She doesn’t have tattoos or kids. She was a 2nd grade school teacher. Lesbians love her but not as much as she loves vodka and keno. Now get the fuck out!
So you’re successful, intelligent, but came from The central plains of America, you’re really being an Amy Scott right now!
She is a very civilised, kind person and definitely does not eat dog food
Me: amy loveit is v sound