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Is not a very good is bad at life

Oh thats so bobby means it’s terrible

by Bobbyhater69 October 29, 2019


a man with a huge gyat.
Gayer than the gay people, makes him rlly str8

uwu i touched his bobby's gyat yesterday!!!

by Kinhjokl August 8, 2024


Very weird and listens to people making love. Also watches your fish die while masturbating. lol

Bobby, I will fight you

by Tooth6969 November 20, 2017


A total jackass dude, that fucks over girls and manipulates them into falling for him and then breaks their heart. And is the worst dude there is and has a small dick, can’t even feel that shit so you fake all the moans just to make him feel better about himself.

Bobby is a douche bag
Bobby’s dick is so small you have to fake an orgasm.

by Sorrynotsorry69 July 19, 2018


An absolute retard.

That customer that came into the store and asked if we are selling products is a bobby.

by ecNight April 21, 2020


A tall weenie

Gosh you are being such a Bobby right now. “

by xnotaweenie May 31, 2023


Bobby is my favourite ching chong dog loving person in the whole wide world. He has the cutest smile and has a very loving heart. He has a very inteligent mind and gets straight As. Although his lack of common sense he makes it up with his insanely caffeinated addicton so he is always awake and ready for anything!

5 Stars

Bobby dies from his caffeine addiction

by 32442 November 22, 2023