Source Code

ay bee see dee ee eff jee aitch eye jay kay elle emm enn oh pee queue are ess tea you vee dubeu ex why zed

The phonetic spelling of each letter

Ay bee see dee ee eff jee aitch eye jay kay elle emm enn oh pee queue are ess tea you vee dubeu ex why zed. Now I know my ABC’s. Next time won’t you sing with me?

by bluestinger66 August 26, 2022

ay bee see dee ee eff gee aitch ai jay kay el em en oh pee queue are ess tea you vee double you ex why and zed

the alphabet?

"tell me the alphabet"
"ay bee see dee ee eff gee aitch ai jay kay el em en oh pee queue are ess tea you vee double you ex why and zed"

by NotÞatGuy January 5, 2023

Why, when I was a boy...

Da often-largely-bu**s**t "you think THAT'S difficult/meager/boring?? You coddled soft-livin' young people of today haven't a bleepin' CLUE about how dull/tough/harsh things USED to be for the common person!" retort given by arrogant elders to try to brush off a whiny-but-often-perfectly reasonable/legitimate request/complaint/excuse proffered by someone "from da newer generation".

Before you go sagely wagging your finger and snorting, "Why, when I was a boy..." anytime a younger person whimpers/protests to you about something, you should first seriously consider whether whatever "way back when" condition that you are referring to was truly fair/wise/healthy, or if it was merely based on the "unenlightened" prejudiced/close-minded/stereotypical thinking, unawareness/disregard for basic health/safety concerns, etc. which was so tragically rampant "back in the good ol' days", such as toxic building-materials, leaded gasoline, racial hatred, disregard for the dangers of radioactivity, lack of tolerance/sympathy/allowances for physically and/or mentally-challenged citizens, etc. Maybe the "young whippersnapper" who is bringing his dissatisfaction to your attention does indeed have a valid point which stems from modern-day knowledge and progressive thinking --- again, just because YOU had to put up with all of that "insipid/hard/agonized-living" crap during your formative years does **not** arbitrarily mean that it was fair or safe or reasonable, and therefore you should not blindly use it as a justifying example of what said youngster should think/tolerate nowadays.

by QuacksO August 4, 2019

why am i googling this

your not alone... i google random shit every day.

Why am i googling this?

by May 7, 2021

The beeg why see depertment

Mark works at the big y say hello for a huzzah

Yea I work at the beeg why see depertment
You should stop bye and geet a lobstehr

by wicotine June 24, 2021

Why Don't We's obsesssedhawtandcutepsychopath

When you are crazily obsessed with the 5 men in an american man-band called Why Don't We so you can't decided whether you find them hot or cute 😩

She must be a Why Don't We's obsesssedhawtandcutepsychopath cuz she is cra-a-z-yy.

by obsessfreak September 11, 2021

why u kinda ya know

somthing to say when ur horny

random person walking to the hot teacher hey teacher hi why u kinda ya know 😏 hot

by 99994 February 14, 2023