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The dumbest sack of shit you can imagine. Usually a stupid retard with a micropenis the size of a lego stud. Can’t talk to girls and always looks for unsucked cock.

Look, the special ed kid charles is sucking that guy’s cock!

by Fuckyoucharlesyousuck December 12, 2019


Charles is one of the most amazing guys you will ever meet. If you ever meet a Charles, he will most likely have nick names like Charlie or CJ... Charles is the most loving, caring, cutest, most perfect boy you will ever meet, he is extremely smart, he may be shy and not make eye contact with you, but he is sweetest person you will ever meet. He might be extremely tall, but he isn't very muscular, Charles is sensitive , which is an amazing personality trait, he will love you for you, and will love you more than anyone he's ever loved before. He'll want to pay for all your dates, he is a gentleman for sure. He wont ever do anything without your consent and he wont ever do anything behind your back. If you ever get the chance to date Charles, marry him. You wont regret it. If you meet a Charles, you better keep him because you've made a friend for life.

Charles is the most amazing friend
Charles is really hott
Charles is like a giant

by darquise_lecompte April 16, 2020


charles is charles , i love him so much hes the best person youll ever meet , hes so handsome and hes really tall , hes so funny , hes kind and sweet and thoughtful , he has the best music taste ever , hes very good at football , charles love genessys and hes locked in with her

someone : who are those people ?
someone else : oh those two are genessys and charles , they are so locked in

by gennyandcharlesforveva December 11, 2023


twerk alertt

charles twerk alertt

by stinkylittlebugger September 11, 2022


a very annoying person

ugh he is such a Charles

by SortaPinkish September 25, 2022


annoying fat kid no balls

me: hey charles

charles: kill yourself

by bigvoluptuousbollocks7 February 14, 2022


Charles is a kindhearted man (or child) who will have your back or assist you when you need, he is fine and will most likely already be taken, if you ever get your hands on Charles, you will be a lucky person. he is also an Honer-roll student.

someone: hey Charles wants to go to a dance with me?

Charles: sorry, I'm already going with someone

by Royal-Faith January 25, 2022