When a guy ejaculates all over a turtles shell, licks the shell, and contracts salmonella
Yeah I did a “Dirty Cody” on my pet turtle Shelly
Cody is the a amazing person that everyone likes exept for that GAY ASS FAGET cooper. He is good at almost everything (Dominik is better though) and can keep a secret. He is Charming has good hair and overall is a PERFECT Friend, Best Friend, Crush, SoulMate, ect (NO JOKE)
Bailey “hey, its cody”
Dominik “we are best friends x infinity”
Cooper “I HATE HIM”
Everybody “Your gay cooper!!!!”
Cody Lamoreux- PERFECT
Cody#5210 IS A PISS LOVER AND A WEIRDO. They're a bully and make fun of my forehead. I hate playing imessage games with her because she either sucks or wins smh. She also likes farts and toes
tghe bestest person in t he workd asand so sexy anda azmazjnf
omg is that Cody albutt?
yes the sexiest man ever
Codie is a horrible person who will hate you for no reason and is the most ugly girl out there. she obsesses over 1 boy and will hurt whoever tries to date him. even if he doesn’t feel the same. usually Codies are fake, lying, dramatic little cunts.
Do youself a favour and don’t be friends with them. They are horrible people.
Codies are so self involved and will
person 1-“ UGHHH Codie ruins lives.”
the best person to ever exist always made sure i was okay i love her to absolute bits she always makes sure im okay
codie is the best