To have a deep sexual attractive to a male/ female that you want to just have sex with them. This is used when you dont know the person personally and do not know what their personality is like. Just a sexual attraction.
I have such a vagina crush on him. Hes so attractive. Can I just fuck him?
When you really liked someone, but they turn out to be a complete ***hole, so you dump your respect for them by throwing it out of a window at them. Along with some complimentary rocks and an old shoe for bad luck.
"Oh girl, I am so crush dumping that b*tch-***hole-d*chebag. He lied about everything and he didn't even apologize. Lemme just run him over with a truck."
A rock band that makes Kick-Ass action songs for Sonic games in the Adventure and Boost era of Sonic games.
Did you Hear Crush 40's New song, Green Light Go? It's so kick-ass! - Sonic Fan
When someone have anxiety and develops a crush on someone, resulting the build up of anxiety around everyone, but especially their crush.
Olivia: "I have so much crush anxiety"
Taylor: "Me too, it's crazy how anxiety spikes when you get a crush"
the capacity you have in your life backpack to carry around the crushes you have on people in your life
some people have many crush slots, others only have one
"Yeah babe he's hot AF but my crush slots are full so can't go there"
"Dude I'm thirsting her but my crush slot is already taken"
A spin off of eye candy; a crush who is literally cancer but you can’t stop liking.
A cigarette crush is fantastic at first but turns into a horrible problem the more you crave them.
“Omg girl Matthew is so hot but actually so rude”
“Honey, sounds like you got a cigarette crush”
Someone you like but don’t want a relationship with but want to screw
Damn she’s fine but I don’t want a relationship. She’s a bang crush