A genuine big gentleman who says what he wants without thinking , can easily insult and piss off feefee big time
Big English strikes again
A phrase said and written by Tamils in protest of making Hindi the official language of India after independence from the British. This phrase was first started by Sage Chackravarti Rajagopalachari.
They protested because Tamil is a Dravidian language and Hindi is Indo-Aryan, so most Tamils understood English better than Hindi.
Hindi and English eventually both became the official languages until 1965, when English was removed.
"You are talking Hindi? Hindi Never English Ever!"
A huge ass dog that loves to take up all the room on your couches and will sit on the couch with just their butt. They also slobber a lot and will shake their head and fling it on your ceilings and walls. The English mastiff slept on kings and queens a while back to keep them warm too.
Person 1: hey have you met my dog yet?
Person 2: no actually, what kind of dog?
Person 1: oh, he’s an English mastiff.
Person 2: holy shit ~runs for life~
these are the types of teachers that will go on about a meaning of one word for another 100 years since they have no life
“don’t u just hate those english teachers that’ll go on about one sad ass word for whole fucking entire lesson”
The worst Karen I've ever met. Everything has to go their way and if it does you get sent to the office. At the end of the year she will say how awful everyone was despite us doing anything.
Me: Ugh, Mrs. Morris is such a bitch
Friend: Well no dip, she an English Teacher
They are either the best teachers or the worst teachers you’ll have. There’s no in between.
The English teacher read us the instructions for our essays.
The teacher that hates your guts and sends you to the office for closing a waterbottle and lets you out late
Friend 1: “Yo Gerald, guess what the English teacher did today!”
Gerald: “What now?”
Friend: “She send Dwayne to the office for closing a waterbottle during class!”
Gerald: “Time to f***ing k*ll her.”
Friend: “Man, sign me up.”