Someone that has a very short and skinny penis. Like a duck.
"OMG, that guy has a little duck dick!"
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My wife looks like a cute little ducky. When she is pregnant
Aww baby you look. So cute just like a. Pregnant duck
Donald Duck is Cockney Rhyming slang for fuck.
"I couldn't give a Donald Duck if you went out with him"
"Fancy a Donald before work, love?"
• Pretending to be oblivious;
Dont play the duck when you're a goose, silly!
(Like when you know that they know that you know they're lying but they duck the truth looking like a silly goose).
• It can walk like a duck, it can talk like a duck- but it's still a fucking goose.
(You're not even fooling you, silly goose).
• Duck the pigs, you silly goose.
(Got birds in the back, trying not to quack).
Something she would say: "You dont have to play the duck around me, I'm pretty chill".
A duck so smart it can't be just a duck, but rather, a duck beak
Hey you see him? beak..I heard his iq is higher than Einstein
Cockney rhyming slang for clucking i.e. in severe heroin withdrawal or in fact it is often used for being in withdrawal from any chemical substance - clucking like a chicken.
Oi mate wanna buy a 32 inch custard and jelly (telly) come on mate I'm chicken and ducking I need my one of each (a bag of smack and a bag of crack).
Duck stuff is the stuff ducks do like flip in the water and wiggle their feet trying to catch fish.
"Hey Nathan what is that duck doing? "
"It's doing duck stuff "