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kennedy jackson

She's that girl who's just her, she's pretty average, and quiet boring. She not too talented and just usually sits there not doing much. But she is pretty cute, with that little blonde strip, and apparently really likes tye die. She has an okay butt

Dude have you seen Kennedy Jackson that girl got the booty

by 420blazer69 April 24, 2015

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Dilan Jackson

This dude is amazing in every way. Looks, Smarts, he's got it all. No negative attributes, all awesome. But be careful, he does hold immense power in the palm of his hand. Could beat Shaggy and Goku in a 2v1.

Dilan Jackson is the most amazing guy ever!

by DiamondDj March 11, 2022

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michael jackson

a guy who ran around and yelled/sang HEHE

β€œhi i’m michael jackson HEHE”

by dkbxdijvdshkvxd March 14, 2020

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Joel jackson

A broomstick who tries to revive dead memes

Joel jackson

by dghfbdbdth July 26, 2018

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jackson hazell

a really hot guy, if he's your boyfriend don't let him go

i once dated jackson hazell!! i shouldn't have broken up with him

by popcornthattasteslikecoffee January 29, 2020

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Jackson The Hedgehog

A purple hedgehog who is Sonic’s distant cousin from the Green Hill Zone. Unlike Sonic, he has β€œcool grey” eyes. (Technically one eye and two pupils. Jackson is somewhat retarted and has been diagnosed with Aspergers. He is pretty fast, but not as fast as Sonic. He feels as if he has no chance of finding love, yet he doesn’t try hard enough. He tried the in the past, but to little success. He is not Sonic…

Jackson The Hedgehog is my favorite Sonic character.

by CrispRat420 December 20, 2021

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To do a Jackson

for a small boy with an exceptionaly small head to shout out his mothers name during sexual intercourse with a woman or usualy a man.

To do a jackson:
Martin: Go on Timmy take it hard and deep
Timmy:Oh yerr ahhhhhhhhh
Martin: oooooo MARJORY AHHHHHH
Timmy: Dude did you just do a Jackson on my ass!?!?!

by Squire135 October 17, 2008

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