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Alabama log jam

when a lady is trying to poop on your chest and your friend forces it back in with his wiener and you get your buddies to help him with their wieners

Carly came over after cinco de quatro and was trying to empty her money bin on my chest but Chester and his friends gave her the old Alabama log jam and that was the end of her.

by Uncle Screwj May 6, 2017

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big ass log

A huge shit someone put in the toilet

After eating beans

Hey joe did you smell Ryan's big ass log this morning.

by Loopy lamb 11 June 28, 2014

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Tennessee Log Jammer

The use of a butt plug on long road trips so as to eliminate the need for bathroom breaks or the use of depends.

Dude, I was running so late this morning, I didn't even have time to make deuce, so I did a Tennessee Log Jammer so I wasn't late for class.

by SicFucher February 15, 2010

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Tennessee Log flume

When, after sex, a woman deficates on a man's chest and then urinates on it.

Last night, Stacy gave Tom a Tennessee log flume and he ended up washing his sheets three times to get all the piss and shit out.

by Lyzzy August 6, 2006

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oil my log

to apply oil to someones penis

Randy: oil my log?
Jamal: whip your trousers down.

by Jamal Hunter October 29, 2008

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lay down a log

to take a large shit

yeah mate ill be right back just gotta lay down a log

by citropussy November 19, 2015

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Double Log Johnson

The act of shitting a solid thick log. Allow two to three days for the turd to reach optimal rigidity, at which point two lesbian lovers (or male) can use the ample log in a scissoring fuck fest until reaching climax, at which point the log can be further preserved for future endeavors.

Anna and Katie performed the double log Johnson with my bulbous bowel movement.

by Coollikedirk April 27, 2019

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