In the days of large crowds in the terraces at football matches and the queue for the peanut seller and toilets, this was a way of getting the people in front of you to part and so advance your way through.
We are not getting through this lot for a piss anytime soon, let's try this "Mind Me dog"
When someone is politely trying to tell you that you leave in a bazinga world and that you have no clue, but we are friends/we live in a society where we need to respect each other.
'I can’t see how your very high-minded consideration affect my point'
Sick Minded or sometimes Sicc minded Gang from Central California that traveled to Phoenix , Nevada and New Mexico. They where black and blue and wear alot of clothing that involves the letter G.
A-Where u from?
G- Sick Minded Gang
luke•on•my•mind (v): the act of having a certain 6'4" Aussie who thinks he's a penguin on your mind for hours at a time
Friend 1- Hey how are you today?
Friend 2- Not doing too well, i've got a serious case of 'luke on my mind'
Friend 1- Huh?
Friend 2- Luke Hemmings. Yeah he's been on my mind all day and the feels are just wow nope
When you have sex while working on your math homework on Agile Mind.
Guy 1: Come over to my house so we can work on our homework.
Guy 2: Can we Agile Mind and chill?
Guy 1: Hell ya.
Used as a taunt/warning call prior to the action of sticking ones leg out with the aim of tripping a colleague up. Not necessarily to make him fall completely over but just for him or her to break stride rhythm and look like a "twat" in front of tidy snatches or rugby jocks they are trying to impress. Scream this at the top of your voice before the fatal trip.
*walking along when suddenly
"mind the ruddy gap!!!"
*person stumbles slightly and everyone mocks them/calls them a cunt
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A female baker that derives her baking ability from receiving oral sex. Her full power is achieved after 32 consecutive hours of the act.
Xavierella has issues with job security due to her need for constant cunnilingus, but this is the price you pay for being an open minded baker. The cookies she bakes for subway cause instant orgasm.