morgan is a girl who is the best friend ever. she will always bring a smile to your face no matter the scenario with her goofy sense of humor. she’s beautiful and good at playing roblox brookhaven especially when ur robbing the bank or something like that. morgan’s are sussy little baka emo gurls but it’s ok bc she’s a good quirky one #i❤️morgans
hot guy- “bro look at morgan. she’s so fine and hilarious!!!”
rlly stupid and ugly guy- “ew no she’s gross”
hot guy- “shut up no one asked u”
The absolute goat of all names. He can put any women. Usually acts autistic but isn’t. Sometimes funny but they’re jokes are usually dad jokes.
That guy Morgan he is really cool
A girl whom guys with black hair and are on the Keto diet will fall for. She will then cheat on him while she is at the beach.
“Woah TJ why did your girlfriend break up with you and then hook up with some guy at the beach?”
“Her name is Morgan. What do you expect?”
The greatest person you will ever meet best in all things
Morgan is so great
Is someone amazing who will always be there for you, but please, keep in mind that he’ll probably need you to be here for him. He’s someone who will take care of you and hear you everytime, and you have to protect him. He’s the one I love, probably the one you love too, and he’s the most beautiful man in this freaking world.