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I'm going ghost

When you're stuck in a Bad situation, when life's crushing responsibilities and standards come crashing upon you, or if you just really enjoy the iconic cartoon, Danny Phantom, this phrase is here for you.

Person 1: "So did you study for the test next period?"
Person 2: "..."
Person 2: "I'M GOING GHOST"

by floppityflop September 21, 2017

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

I'm good for now

Rejection of and ridicule for an offered good or service by feigning satiation. An indication that you are not interested in said event.

Person A: "Would you like to go for a walk?"
Person B: "I'm good for now"

Person A: "Hey Brandon, do you want to go and grab Roxie's?"
Person B: "I'm good for now"

by MichaelSux August 10, 2016

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I'm going to sleep

When the person you're talking to or texting really does NOT want to talk to or text you.
It has to be late at night, otherwise it would make no sense whatsoever.

John: What's up?
Victoria: Not much, I'm going to sleep.

by EbearV1.0 November 26, 2014

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I'm watching you

I'm watching you

i'm watching you

by plat333 January 11, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

EveryDay I'm Buffering

It's when your internet connection is so slow that when trying to watch a video it is buffering.

Teacher: Kids lets watch the news update online!
Kids: Yay!
(Teacher loads page)
Kid 1: Aww it's buffering!
Kid 2: Everyday I'm Buffering! (Starts dancing)

by personqwerty123456789 March 6, 2012

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

I'm festively plump

The response when someone calls you fat...

Dude 1: Daym girl...why are you so fat?
Dude 2: I'm not fat, I'm festively plump

by thegirlthatkrumps December 22, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sorry, I'm American

The most useful excuse you will ever have when visiting a foreign land. Gives you almost instant leeway to be rude, ignorant, or just all around screw with foreign peoples mind. Because most countries expect so little brain power from us, why not use that to our advantage, hmm?

ex 1;
Mike: *spills steaming hot coffee all over French guys lap*
French Guy: OW! Wat ze' hell?

Mike: Sorry dude, I'm American.
French: Oh, well zat explainz zvery' thing. *

ex 2;

Mike: *steals a Australian guys taxi cab*
British Guy: Oi! Who the bloody 'ell do yew think you AHHre?
Mike: Sorry dude, I'm American.
British Guy: Bloody figures... Might as well naut even botha' then. *stomps off*
Mike: America: 2, World: 0 *snickers victoriously*

ex 3;

Mike: *snags the sandwich off a Japanese guys plate and takes a bite*
Japanese Guy: Ayy yaahhh! Who you think you are, rude person?
Mike: *slowly* Me sorry, I'm Ammmerricaaannn.
Japanese Guy: *scowls and stands up walking off* Stewpid Amarakins', no manner, no honna'!
Mike: I reiterate, America: 3, World:0. *smiles and takes another bite*

(Offensive outlook on accents intended. Sorry, I'm American. :)

by LocustOfTheNile666 February 8, 2011

82๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž