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king noob

The guy who, in online games, not only is a noob but runs his mouth and calls others noobs. Generates large amounts of satisfaction during end game reviews, where opponents are left with an imperative to mock him - not only as a noob, but as a king noob.

That guy in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars who flies around in a Tormentor all day, or parks the Desecrator in the hanger on Valley and camps hardcore.

"You're all noobs, especially you, "m@sterkill3r"! You're not just a fxcking noob, you are the KING NOOB!"

by CheBourgeoisNoir December 27, 2007

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noob train

a line of n00bs in a online mmo, such as World Of Warcraft, who all go to one high-leveled opponent, usually an annoying choob who think's he/she is all that, and teh pwn teh shit outta him/her.

randomguy: last night on WoW, i saw a noob train of gnome's pwn a lvl 63

randomguy2: that was me who got pwned :(

by rjmaster225 January 21, 2008

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Random Noob

Extremely dislikes people who dont follow the rules or goes agienst his judgement

Person 1: *says something bad*
Person 2: -ban
Person 1: Stop pulling a Random Noob

by Neko_Sora September 27, 2019

mijestic noob

a retard who loves to eat penis

yummy mijestic noob

by jacoballanlovespeepee February 20, 2020

Noob Knobber

A young prostitute.

Yo, that chick that just started out at Frankie's is such a noob knobber, I didn't feel a thing!

by NoobKnobber#1 October 3, 2010

uncharted noob

a person who is a noob but no one fucking knows who he is lmfao and he is also a retard who spends time on an app called discord which is made by furries. get a life man

Look at this fucking idiot, uncharted noob

by weebgamer013 June 28, 2020

Tube Noob

Someone who can't ride on the train properly and keep on falling into other people.

on the tube
Dude: Watch as I ride this train with no hands!
Friend: Why? You're just going to fall into me again, you're SUCH a Tube Noob

by Ruberducky June 10, 2010