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A subculture that has turned to posers recently who call themselves emo
True "emos" actually are sensitive and caring but usually arent happy with life because of something wrong inside or somthing wrong at home.To them the name is Derogitory.

Anyone who actually calls themself or names their music emo are posers who are attentionwhores so they follow trends and act "emo" dress "emo" and only hang around "emos"

Poser1: OmG im an emo!!
*has tight cloths on creepy screamo shirt and eye covering hair that sticks up in the back*

poser2:ZOMG ur sooo hard core

person: noobs you dont know what its like you communist B*st*rds

by Ferril Ewok October 2, 2007

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Emos are NOT a bunch of depressed dramaqueens who slit their rists, that is just another one of those stereotypes which sad, bored people come up with because they like to pin labels on everything so its easier for them to judge them. 'Emo'is simply a term for someone who has more to them then sex, drugs and drinking. I for one would be a lot happier dating an emo as they aren't only interested in getting in a girl's pants like most boys and they also listen to kickass music other then the cRAP that chavs listen to.

Labeller: Oh, there's someone wearing black! He HAS to be an emo. That's weird, why aren't his rists covered in scars?? OMG my whole world has gone crazy, how is it possible that someone can wear black and not cut themselves????

by Bubs_13 October 23, 2007

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A large subculture usually made up of Caucasian teens creating drama where there is none. And If there is some, or something terrible has happened, they end up thinking it's a huge problem. this usually ends up with them cutting themselves on the arm, leg, penis, clit whatever. Then if this doesn't help solve anything they will perceive they don't matter and will then change their appearance. Usually all black or wierd clothing. (Large baggy pants that can be mistaken for skirts. If this doesn't help they then they think since no one has noticed the change that they mean nothing to the world. They then go one to think they have no friends and go and kill themselves. (either slashing of wrists, runs, drugs, hangings, etc

I don't have an example... of emo

by Xfactorlight August 8, 2007

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People who are overly depressed over the littlest things. The ones who can't suck it up like the rest of us. Attention seekers.

"Upset leave me da fuck alone.. MISSING U HURTS ME SO MUCH.. Fuck everybody..Fuck da bronx!! So fucking upset and mad and alone.. My mandi got more brain and looks then anybody else.. Just please leave me alone.. I can't take it anymore.. Everybody leaving me behind.. I don't need to be here anymore.. There's no more room for me in this life time goodbye.."

"Pizza Face Maria's mad emo over her lost pen."

by muymalella September 14, 2007

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EMO. How to explain?
It's not an insult or something to be proud of. EMO is just another label that some person made up to use on them selves so they could be ''original''

Dosnt it have to do with something in the 90's about a type of rock? Emotive Hardcore. Or something like that. In the early 90s there was a movement in the hardcore genre that came to be known as "Emotive Hardcore," spearheaded by Rites Of Spring. Harder-core-than-thou kids, who swore by Dischord Records a la Minor Threat, actually coined the term "Emo" as something of a put-down for the kids who really liked Rites Of Spring, Indian Summer and this new wave of "Emotive" Hardcore bands. That's right, "Emo" was once not something kids called themselves. The field exploded outwards from there - Level-Plane Records has always been the most famous Emo label. Acts like Yaphet Kotto, I Hate Myself, Saetia, Hot Cross, A Day In Black And White, Funeral Diner, I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, You And I, and hosts of others came in the next decade. Most emo bands have since broken up, but there's still the occasional hold-out (again, the majority of Level-Plane Records' roster has been a procession of emo acts). Like most DIY hardcore/punk of the time, a majority found its way onto vinyl and not much else. Some people consider bands like Fugazi, and later Sunny Day Real Estate, a progression of emo, but personally, I don't quite follow that philosophy.

Things that are NOT emo;
-My Chemical Romance =nor is it gothic or punk or demonic=
-The Gap =Preps also shop there=
-Skater shoes =Okay, leave thoes to the SKATERS=
-Saying ''I feel emo today.'' ''I'm so emo, i make flowers cry'' ''I hate my life.'' '' I cut becuase I'm emo and depressed''
-Anti-depressants =okay, leave them to the ACTUALLY deppressed people. now wonder drugs are so expensive.=
- Having 1 million my space pix =Okay, no body needs to see your hair and mouth that many times=

Here is a Fakemo convo...

XxSlavetoAnguishxX: omg my gf just left me
acidburnedsoul: that sux man
XxSlavetoAnguishxX: i blame myself only i'm such an ass *cries*
acidburnedsoul: dude come over to my house and we can cut ourselves together
XxSlavetoAnguishxX: okay *cries*
acidburnedsoul: omg dashboard confessional has a new cd, i preordered it already
XxSlavetoAnguishxX: dude they're my favorite band to self-mutilate to
acidburnedsoul: i prefer to cut myself while watching Napoleon Dynamite on my bigscreen
XxSlavetoAnguishxX: dude that movie is so deep. i cry every time i see it
acidburnedsoul: me too. i hate myself
XxSlavetoAnguishxX: yeah we're such tortured souls, nobody understands how hard life is for us
acidburnedsoul: yeah we got it tough dude. pass the tissues

by XxXSkittleXxX May 5, 2007

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Any Hot Guy With Long Hair That Covers One Of Their Eyes.
Or A Girl That Takes Menstrating Too Far...

Emo boys are hot! Emo girls are... okay.

by Cole Bondage June 9, 2007

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Emo is often confused with Emotional Sensitivity, and is more often linked to boys then girls, because of the so very 'unmanly' manner in which an emo boy acts.
Male emotional senstivity is a guy who does not feel the urge to be a macho pea-brained asshole whos only emotion is arrogance and violent anger. A sensitive male realizes that guys can cry, and say the word 'beautiful'. They can also like flowers and admit that there are other guys out there that are hot, and do lots of other 'gay' things while completely content with their heterosexuality.
(an interesting thing about this is that it is quite ok for girls to sit on each other's lap and hug and go to the washroom together etc etc and not be considered homosexual, but if a guy strikes up a random conversation on the bus with another guy, he's a faggot.)

This being said, an EMO (short for emotional) is someone (guy or girl) who has taken the dark, evil, brooding, shadowy and mysterious genre that goes by the name of goth, and mutilated it into a subculture of whiney sniveling teenagers. An emo is someone who dresses very similar to a goth, wearing makeup and black clothes, but is easily defined often by the lopsided swooping haircut that causes them to be half blind all the time.
A goth makes you uncomfortable standing next to them on a long bus ride, and if done right are dark and creepy and cool looking. Take the band Type O Negative, for example.

View Pic: (urbandic seems to add random spaces so check before pasting into browser and remove any you see)
www.geneticdisorder.net/Rock%20On %20Web%20Photos/typeonegative.jpg

Emos most of the time have a look of eternal sorrow pasted on their face, and spend their time whining because life is so tragically devestating and heartwrenching. They cry and snivel and cut themselves to gain attention, as opposed to the noble masochistic origin of the hobby. When you see an emo you will want to puke because of how synthetically pretty and childish they look, and then drop kick them.

Emos have ruined the very normal practice that is talking about emotionally hard times to someone close.

"How are you today?"
'Well, to be honest, I feel really lonely. I sit at home more than I'd like and don't really have
(m)any friends. *shrugs apathetically*'
"zOMG... Don't be so emo..."
'...You asked how I was. I am telling you honestly how I am feeling.'
"EMO. Cry me a river... *emo tear*"

This video will familiarize you instantly to what an emo is, if you are still confused in any way: (again, remove any spaces)

I'm gonna kick the shit out of those whiney emo faggots.

by BioMenace May 12, 2007

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