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2 pack

Someone who smokes 2 packs of cigarettes per day.

Damn, you see 2 pack puffing away those cigarettes?

by Appleseedd August 21, 2013

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Snack Pack

A perfectly sized plastic container filled with pudding, which is available in a large selection of flavors.

"That bitch is tripping, she can't have a Snack Pack of mine."

by Bobby Cemprola February 20, 2003

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Where somebody has four visible ab muscles because their chest isn't fully developed

"Yo did you see that 10 year old with a 4-pack"

by Jtheslimster February 4, 2015

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Packing Heat

A word used often in reference to a women with a very large rack.

Damn! She is packing heat.

by Bigredcolonel April 26, 2009

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pussy pack

a group of girls who get together thinking that they are the business but really are just incredibly envious of their rival pack, the wolf pack.

Pussy pack: we're so cool. we think we are the coolest bitches on the block.
Wolfpack: fuck off

by Wolfpack. March 28, 2012

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Yak Pack

A clique of cocaine addicts. Usually seen in bars and house parties. Identifying characteristics include echoed sniffles, excessive chattering, nasally voices, congregations by the bathroom, and a seemingly decreased affect of alcohol consumption.

Guy: I better go piss now.

Woman: Why? Are we leaving?

Guy: No, the yak pack just walked in, this may be my last chance to go.

by K Dolo October 6, 2010

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Packing the Cannon

Another term for anal sex.

Example 1

Guy1: Dude, how was your night with Jessica?
Guy2: Man, i couldnt believe it, i spent half the night packing the cannon.

Example 2

Dude, you never pack the cannon!

by XxSleevesxX February 25, 2010

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