Source Code

rainbow wings

Switch the above with red wings. The moron who wrote it is bass akwards

by Mobius July 17, 2003

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Rainbow Nuts

1. a funny name to call your teachers.
2. (edible) nuts that are colored rainbow.
2. ballsacks that are rainbow colored.
4. a kneeslapping inside joke to share with your friends.

1. Mr./Mrs._______ is a Rainbow Nut!!!

2. Those Rainbow Nuts are yummy.

3. Have you seen that man's Rainbow Nuts?

4. Would you like to be my Rainbow Nut?

by rachelquifferpants April 20, 2008

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rainbow fish

When a large woman, preferrably black to be politically correct, has a group of men, each wearing a different colored condom, all pleasing her fish at the same time. Such an act must be done for her to recieve pleasure, as a normal penis would not supply nearly enough meat to fill her fish.

Randy: DAMN that bitch is HUGE

Jake: that's DEFINATELY where i parked my car!

Zach: lets rainbow fish her all night long!


by DsTRO June 13, 2004

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rainbow trout

A rainbow trout is a trouser trout that has been painted in the rainbow colors of the gay pride movement.

Very festive.

To add a bit of zip to the parade, Buford took out his rainbow trout and waved it around.

There was much applause.

by scodder May 14, 2010

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rainbow roll

A gay bi or lesbian orgie.

Tom was invited to a rainbow roll.

by piratelizzie March 1, 2007

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rainbow rider

V: jumping on the back of a fag/dike person, and riding them for at least 5ft. and fleeing the scene without getting caught, and remain unidentified.(WARNING: THIS MOVE DOES NOT WORK ON TRANSEXUALS)

Note: Rider must yell "I AM NOT GAY" after the ride is over.

person one: hey i dare you to RainbowRide that gay kid over there.
Rider: alright.
*rainbow ride successful*
gay guy: *looks around* "what the hell, was i just attacked?, i gotta tell someone about this!"
person one: Your now a rainbow rider.

by dixiedownsyndrome, ut December 23, 2011

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Rainbow STD

1.A Sexually Transmitted Disease that was caused from having intercourse with a gay or bi person.
2.Recieved STD from one who is VERY VERY sexually active.

Man.-DUDE! i think i got a rainbow std from that girl down at madam polats palace.

by dizzlerousedylan August 27, 2007

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