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big badangus

an unreasonably large penis

Pugh has a big badangus

by mikestx October 12, 2007

Big touch

A touch tbat either lasts to long or is rapey in nature. (Any gameshow host ever.)

Ace: *gives James a big touch*
James: whoa, no homo tho, right?

by Bęèņ pőįšøň February 22, 2019

big dousa

someone who is, or thinks they are huge

Dan- "oh yea I just started working out at the gym"
Calum- "ohhh big dousa"
Dan- "shut up Calum, I am huge"
Calum- "nah mate, you think your huge"

by -.-Mc Lovin-.- May 15, 2017

Big sugar

The sugar industry.

The term formed as a direct comparison to “Big Tobacco” because both industries are shady, fiendish and a major threat to public health.

Big sugar has us right where they want us

by IbreathAir February 24, 2021

big slatt

meaning of big homie

my name is big slatt

by big slatt October 30, 2019

big hr


i'm going to dip, have a nice big hr commiting session

by weaasella January 6, 2021

Big Cappa

Tittle given to someone known to cap about anything and everything.

Ohh there goes my boy big cappa!

You heard big cappa lately?

by Lilcappabruh October 17, 2020