Source Code

Dropping numbers

As you know, when you go to the bathroom it's either #1 or #2. Dropping numbers refers to doing #2.

Michael will be right back. He's in the bathroom dropping numbers. OR , I'm about to go drop some numbers.

by Msimeoni May 21, 2015

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drop snitch

At any give time a person up and informs someone of higher power that you are doing somethig wrong just to hate.

Man shit i not talking to toney that niggas a drop snitch.

by Ry-Dro June 9, 2006

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Cunt Dropping

Offensive term for a baby or child.

I was in line at McDonald's, and this slut in front of me had five obnoxious, screaming cunt droppings with her!

by idfkbitches July 4, 2009

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drop a baconator

the inevitable shit which proceeds from the consumption of Wendy's Baconator or other Wendy's meals/food

before we start the movie tonight i better go drop a baconator, i'll be right back (in 15 minutes)

by Matt Huff December 10, 2010

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dropping pencils

when something is very awkward or embarrassing.

girl 1: when i found out i had a 'kick me' note stuck to my back i was dropping pencils everywhere.

girl2: yeah that was a pencil-dropping moment.

by weirdo78 March 9, 2011

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Drop A Waffle

To excrete waste, particularly after eating chicken & waffles.

Damn, girl - I won't be able to turn-you-out until I drop a waffle.

by zornfett May 26, 2010

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drop a darkie

take a shit,give birth to an abbo, hang a dump

Student: Hey Miss can i go and drop a darkie?
Miss: Pardon?
Student: You know, i gotta give birth to an abbo!
Miss: YOU WHAT!!!

by i-drink-coffee!!! June 6, 2007

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