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edge pop

Overly edgy pop /hip hop subgenre usually mistakaken as rock or in some cases metal. Bands/artists iclude Insane Clown Posse, Lil Darkie, Ghost (most common example), Trippie Red, Ken Carson, Playboy Carti, ETC. Popular mainstream artists with an edgy and/or underground origin or fanbase. This was fed through TikTok wannabe metalheads labeling their favorite artists as metal or another hardcore or underground genre for popularity and/or fame.

Jim: “hey did you see that tiktok of a guy saying that ghost was a metal band?”
Jon: “yeah. It’s probably just another edge pop poser.”

by R.the.definer January 7, 2024

Edge sesh

The definition of an activity where the female is edging the male over a long time, until the male reaches a point where can’t control his penis muscles and then automaticly cums. This can be done in a solo/duo/trio/squad or more. If you «edge» over a long time i’ts called a «Edge sesh» wich is the opposite of «Gooning»

Example one.
Person 1 : I would like to have an Edge sesh with you when we get to my goon cave

Person 2 : I’m your teacher…

Example two

«Two persons says a word on the exact same time»

«A jinx»
Person 1 : «Jinx» you owe me an Edge sesh.

Person 2 : ah you got me

by BT_Stormz SHA May 20, 2024

edge sesh

The activity of edging over a long period of time, basicly to either jerk off in a Solo or with a Duo until you reach a much more pleasant erection.

Person 1 : u owe me an edge sesh.

Person 2 : ah you got me.

by BT_Stormz SHA May 20, 2024

edge sesh

Noun. An extended period of "edging", or masturbation without ejaculation; often attended by close friends and associates. Edging can have many benefits, including:

1. Increased Pleasure: By building up sexual tension over a longer period, the eventual orgasm can be more intense and pleasurable.

2. Improved Control: Regular practice of edging can help individuals learn to control their sexual response, which can be beneficial for those who experience premature ejaculation.

3. Enhanced Sexual Experience: Edging can add variety and excitement to sexual activities, enhancing the overall experience for both partners.

4. Better Understanding of Sexual Response: It allows individuals to explore their own sexual response cycle and understand what stages of arousal they experience, leading to better sexual self-awareness.

5. Strengthens Pelvic Muscles: The practice can involve starting and stopping stimulation, which can help strengthen pelvic floor muscles over time.

6. Potential for Multiple Orgasms: For some, edging can lead to experiencing multiple orgasms once they do allow the climax to occur.

An edge sesh provides opportunity for mutual edging, which is known to build trust, strengthen relationships and create lasting memories between participants.

It's important to note that the benefits of edging can vary from person to person, and what works well for one individual might not work for another.

"Yoo edge sesh this weekend boys? Jacob has a free base."

by Edgepert March 20, 2024

Russian edge

The “Russian Edge” is a masturbation technique derived from gen-z and their terms such as “Jelquing, Edging, and Gooning” to refer to different types of masturbation techniques. “Russian Edging” is when a sole or duo team inflicts a blast of cold from an ice cube or air dryer onto their scrotum while vigorously stroking their male genitals as fast as possible in the aim to survive for as long as possible without releasing semen or any type of excretion from the male genital. While “Russian Edging” ones scrotum must reach 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit the approximate freezing temperature before the masturbation may begin. Masturbation at this level may only last for a few seconds as the frozen scrotum forces semen to the urethra.

Hey Jeff, have you tried the new Russian Edge? If not let’s try it together some time, I’ve only held it up for 6 seconds.

by Will Johnson (Bear Slayer) March 30, 2024

No bubble rap around the edges

When you're straight to the point, no dancing around.

He dident even try he just left it with no bubble rap around the edges.

by SandMan8 February 3, 2017

No bubble rap around the edges

When you're straight to the point, no dancing around.

He dident even try he just left it with no bubble rap around the edges.

by SandMan8 February 3, 2017