Food is delicious. When you eat it, you become delicious too. Without food, you would not be delicious and anyone who wanted to could eat you whenever they felt like it.
Yum. That Dead Horse Vibe was delicious. Too bad it didn't eat any food, I got a meal. Muahahaha.
Black vibe(s) - the vibe of embracing one's black heritage and struggles in an effort to become a better you and to inform and empower your peers.
My black vibes are litt and inspirational.
Mic Stylez Black Vibez is dope!
The black vibe is like no other vibe.
I use my black vibe to be a better me and help others do the same.
the feeling you get when two of your friends suddenly get close and act like a couple when they insist they’re just good friends. Instead of being cute, though, it just makes everyone feel creeped out. It’s like watching a brother and sister flirt....
“Have you seen the way Rachel and Nick have been acting lately?”
“Yeah man, it’s giving me incest vibes”
When your just in a pretty retarded mood. Could mean your brain had a minor fuck up!
Man im just in a mullen vibe right now.
When you text someone sarcastically and they want to kill you but with kindness
Joel I'm gonna murder you vibe ya feel me
1👍 2👎
A style of cooking in which you go with the flow, use the recipe solely as a reference, and make most of it up as go, tasting along the way
I’m so glad I picked up vibe cooking, following the recipe exactly is so 2024.
When you mix two different drugs that don’t belong together within ones body at the same time.
When someone brings coke to a stoner party and sneaks off to do their coke, now there’s a vibe clash.