wells - noun
A place of torment. Being in there feels like you're stuck at the bottom of a deep well, crying for help.
I never want to go there again. It was an absolute wells.
And you know damn well that claims about my identity can be substantiated in a way that the claims about a transgender's identity can not.
Hym "You know damn well that with access to the right information I can substantiate any claim I've made about identity. According to Megyn you have (on some level) substantiated them yourself. And the difference between what I did and what you're doing is that I did it un-ironically. I un-ironically did exactly what you said, it didn't work for shit in practice, but it was wildly successful in theory. And NOW, you are trying to you're trying to deny me the outcome the success of the theory would grant so that I have no choice but accept the outcome your bullshit would grant in practical application. Which is nothing because it doesn't work outside of the theory unless you're content being a mediocre slave who does all of the work while women fuck cripples instead of you."
The way old people admit that they're wrong. Or I guess it's what they say when they don't want to admit they're wrong. Just imagine a grandma with her hands on her hips and an angry frown on her face because you outsmarted her, and that's essentially what this word means.
Beccatina: "Actually grandma, it's pronounced 'ayva,' not 'awvahgheuregh'
Grandma: "Well!"
The shortest guy in town; a very little person; un pequeño hombre/niño
If you see this Wells, we are talking about you. :)
Wells is a genetically modified strain of E-TMA. It too has a fatality rate of 100%. It passes from person to person through verbal communication.
+Did you hear about wells disease?
-What is wells?
+Wells my dick fit in your mouth?
Wells you sugma balls?