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Hefner's grand slam

A redhead, brunette, blonde, and an asian all at the same time without getting a heart attack.

I went for Hefner's grand slam last night, but failed due to heart attack.

by hefner555 July 8, 2011

Slam some rails

to snort cocaine

you wanna go to the bathroom so we can slam some rails !?!?

by somethign November 14, 2009

1 gram slam

One gram of the antibiotic azithromycin that is prescribed to treat chlamydia.

I contracted chlamydia from Carol Kurtis, but Dr. Keith prescribed me a 1 gram slam, so now I feel much better.

by PizzaLuvah February 26, 2021

Seven Slam Down

The sound of a full can of beer (or soda) falling from the second row up. This occurs when you pull an unopened can out from a 12 or 18 pack that has been placed on its side. The sound of a seven slam down is one of the beautiful in the world. It tells you that no matter how bad your day was, you're staring at least another 84 ounces of escape. (The beer you grabbed plus the 6+ left in the box)

Unsure of how much beer was left in the box when he grabbed a fresh one, Mike was relieved to hear the soothing thud of a seven slam down.

by TenaciousMV October 4, 2010

Frodo and Sam slam

What goes on in the Baggins Hobbit Hole behind closed circular doors.

Sam was kind of an indentured servant until he learned how to avoid using his teeth on Mr. Frodo during his "servitude" He was finally freed of his bondage but would live with the scars of the Frodo and Sam slam, as they called it in the shire.

by Felix the territorial cat, I'ma open up my bago tricks on y'ass! March 19, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

STL Grand Slam

A Sexual position. The girl in said position, must be in an arched position, usually rear sticking in the air, to symbolize the St. Louis Arch. To symbolize the grand slam, (Busch Stadium) she must have someone 1; Kissing her 2; feeling her breasts 3; fingering her (For a man on first, second, and third) and someone doing her from behind for a batter. When the "batter" is about to cum, you spin her around, and hit her on the cheek, to make a popping sound, for the "Home Run Hit". To be truly authentic she should not be shaved, for Bush/Busch Stadium.

Guy 1: Hey did you hear Victoria was the first girl to hit an STL Grand Slam?
Guy 2: No, i didn't know there were women in the MLB yet.
Guy 1: There aren't *winks* **Explains**

by Chainsaw037 May 11, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigger cock slam

a term used to describe a massive cock slamming someone, typically derogatory

also an up and coming phrase for online chatting since it gets around word filters on such games as that in LOTR: BFME

bob: i own you
bill: NEVAR!!!!! i'll nigger cock slam your ass

by bob March 14, 2005

133๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž