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trap a bear

Verb: To take a pinch of grizzly and put it between the gums and lips. Does not necessarily pertain to grizzly but makes the most sense as this is where the saying comes from.

Synonyms: Put in a big hog, take a pinch, pack a lip

"I think its about time to trap a bear while I wait for the deer to show up (or fish to bite)"

by urbanfarmer94 December 10, 2014

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A voluntary paralysis caused by a tightening of the butt cheeks to prevent defecation.

Standing perfectly still while holding it in so you don't shit yourself.

Caught in a chat-trap, Adam spent the next painful 30 seconds on the stairs clenching and plotting his next move.

After unsuccessfully chat-trapping on the dance floor, Eve would not be able to return the slacks she purchased only the day before.

by Spicy Hamburger April 17, 2009

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rake the trap

slang phrase for male homosexual activity(ies) on the golf course; comes from an excuse made by 2 males to get away from the other members of a golfing foursome

I'll meet you guys at the next tee. I'm going to help Joe "rake the trap."

by cromag cousin June 25, 2007

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Pubey Trap

The sticky underside of your pad that often folds over during wear and sticks to your pubes. Major issue for 70's pornstars. Usually on mini-pads.

Girl: OW! God, the only thing worse than cramps is a Pubey Trap! This hurts as bad as getting waxed!

by thistextisnotwrittenincaptials July 27, 2010

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fuckboi trap

When a girl gets caught in a fuckbois web of lies

She got trapped in Donovan fuckboi trap

by Ruffles111 December 15, 2015

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A fast money girl serving on a daily , willing to take risk to PROSPER

Girly be getting to a bag she a TRAP GIRL

by Pooh Gotti January 4, 2023

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Jungle Trap

The genital area of a woman when it becomes so overgrown with pubic hair that one can not distinguish the location of the vagina or the anus.

John: "So how'd it go last night? You get any action?"

Paul: "Yeh, but when I tried to put it in I hit the wrong hole!"

John: "How that happen?"

Paul: "She had so much hair, it was Jungle Trap! I left right after and puked."

by JacobCS September 23, 2009

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