Source Code

saddle up

V. To get ready (esp. to leave).

Popularized by American "Old Western" films, where horses were the primary means of transportation. When someone saddled up their horse, it was often because they were about to leave.

"Saddle up, friend, we've got a long way to travel."

by Iskar March 30, 2004

74๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Up the punx

To pull yourself together emotionally, physically and mentally in order to raise the bar in your life, despite what's going on around you.

Man nothing seems to be working out for me. You know what... fuck it... time to up the punx. I got this.

by Sk8crazyman March 16, 2019

71๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

get up with

To contact someone,to speak to someone, to get a hold of someone.

Where have you been? I've been trying to get up with you?

by StephanieB May 1, 2008

69๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's what's up

Meaning that you fully understand and/or agree and find yourself excited about the idea or suggestion proposed.

Friend 1: "Yeah so I'm thinking we chill before, and then hit the club by 9. Got mad beer at the crib anyway"
Friend 2: "That's what's up"

by KelsBels April 6, 2008

452๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tarted Up

If you're going out, most likely to get laid, you get "all tarted up", in other words; get dressed up, put your best clothes on, wear very few clothes.

I saw your little sister today, all tarted up in her mini skirt- then I saw her without the mini-skirt. ~punch~

by B16 D4V3 September 12, 2007

87๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spice up

To be coated twice with bullcrap by Sean Spicer.

He did manage to spice up Trump's impeachment...apparently Trump hated Speaker Pelosi so much that it was his OWN decision to be impeached...it was a trust issue, not a legal one...nothing was wrong about building the border wall 2 inches south of the border...maybe he accidentally included his penis when measuring where the wall should go...

by cathedram-mihi-regula-mihi February 26, 2017

50๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

liquored up

Extremely drunk, intoxicated.

Jane: I can't remeber a thing from last night.
Meg: No wonder you can't. You were completely liquored up!!!

by sebelicious June 14, 2009

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