Source Code

Invisible War

Often accidently called Deus Ex 2, Invisible War is a game set in the Deus Ex universe, 20 years after the Collapse (a series of fictional events portrayed at the end of the PCRPG Deus Ex.)

Although characters from Deus Ex are present, they are in no way connected with the plot of Deus Ex.

Unlike Deus Ex, Invisible War is not a CRPG, but a First-Person Adventure. The Hero/Heroine of the Adventure is Alex D., a test subject removed from Area 51 merely weeks before the collapse. The Player starts as being transferred out of Chicago during a massively-destructive Terrorist Attack by the Knights Templar. They must proceed to worldwide locations from Seattle to Antartica to learn about the conspiracy of the two factions the WTO and the Order.
At the end of the game, the player must choose who will rule the world by obeying their orders.

Although it is a decent game, it is shunned for it's inaccurate physics engine and frowned upon by Deus Ex.

Invisible War is a First-Person Adventure for the Xbox and PC

by Mincetro February 10, 2006

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Forehead Wars

A competition between two individuals whereby their foreheads are pressed together and the two must try to push each other until one submits to the effects. Nothing but the foreheads are allowed to be used against the opponents. A humorous game, usually involving headaches or bruising to the forehead. Not recommended for those who value their brain cells. Normally performed when under the influence of some kind of substance.

What time is it? Forehead Wars time!!

by Katie March 30, 2004

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Preventive war

A war in which the attacked country poses no direct or imminent threat to the attacker. To be differentiated from preemptive war, in which the attacker is in clear danger of being attacked.

The US is an old hand at staging preventive wars. Through clever use of propaganda to infuse nationalism and support for its wars among the population it is able to attack and invade sovereign countries under the guise of "liberation" or "preemptive attack".

See also War with Iraq.

I'll go and punch a blind person in a wheelchair on the street and call it a preventive attack. He was clearly going for my wallet!

by PoopyPoo July 14, 2005

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[War of 1812]

A pointless war in which Great Britain and the United States beat the shit out of each other and got nothing for it.

Canadian:We won the War of 1812 eh?
American:Nooooo!! We burned down Toronto haha!!!
Canadian:But we burned down the White House eh?
Britain:No we did.

by red4tribe August 8, 2008

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War Face

the face you make when pushing out a massize turd

That turd was so big i had to snapchat my war face!

by BELCHER34 August 21, 2017

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War Party

The most political and metal of the Gwar albums. I recommend it as a must buy along with every other fucking Gwar CD.

While I was listening to War Party I was reminded how much of a fucktard George Bush is.

by Jaymes The Scumdog August 5, 2005

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war protester

people who have nothing better to do than blame other people, and annoy the shit out of everyone else. people who instantly think that the 'government' must be to blame so they arrogantly annoy people, waste time, resources and money to bitch about something that they will have no effect on.

"those fucking war protesters are blocking the street again"

by rowan May 13, 2004

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