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From way downtown

In basketball, to shoot a very long three-pointer that simply is awesome.

In NBA Jam, back in the good old days, the commentary would yell out "from way downtown" if you shoot a three.

by Adel7 January 13, 2008

All the way the hell

1. A phrase meant to show you are completely serious. Heart and soul are involved.

2. To be positive, Unquestionable, Absolute.

3. To reach a goal or conclusion.

She asked if I would consider dating him again and I replied, "It's, all the way the hell, over."

My goal is to climb Mount Rushmore and I'm going, all the way the hell, to the top.

by LaRhettie April 4, 2013

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crying in a cool way

the hit song 'sign of the times' by Harry Edward Styles occasionally makes harry cry while performing, but in a cool way !

HAROLD: my eyes are sweating. i'm like crying in a cool way.

by gigi rose September 8, 2020

Mikey Way He

A fan made curse involving my chemical romance bassist created by Instagram user @frank_ieros_low_e_string, which has seen a sharp spike in popularity in recent days. This curse, when uttered by Way, turns anyone who hears it into a carbon copy of Way himself.

Mikey way: "Mikey way he"
the soul unfortunate enough to hear it: *starts glowing, turns into mikey clone*
the mikeys: "good."

by whatwillzhedo November 23, 2020

Way Up Whites

Like a Rooftop Korean, but a white person that's way up on top of a building.

Way Up Whites began in 2020, after the death of George Floyd. George (who was handcuffed) was murdered by a police officer that used his knee on George's neck to pin him to the ground. George stated that he could not breathe and eventually lost consciousness, yet the officer remained on his neck. George's death incited protests, riots, and looting all across the country. White business owners looking to protect their property took tactics from Korean business owners, who are known as Rooftop Koreans for the time they took to the roofs of their businesses during the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. White people, employing the same tactics, are known as "Way Up Whites," because they're way up there.

Shaquan: Hey man, let's hit the best buy
Jarvis: Nah Cuh, they got Way Up Whites on that bitch
Shaquan: Shit dawg, good call. I ain't trying to get shot for a new TV.

Jarvis: yo dawg, who dis George Floyd everyone be talking 'bout?
Shaquan: shit man, I don't know. I'm just here for the free shit

by ShaquandaJarivs The 3rd June 6, 2020

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weird (but in a good way)

It means that your acceptable weird. Some people are weird, but it's like dorky weird. People who are weird in a good way are not dorky but they have their own style, they're not scared to be themselves, and they stand out as different in a good way. Overall it's a compliment for the most part.

"I just do me and idc what others think!"
"You're weird (but in a good way)"

by Lay_lah June 15, 2014

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Bag of Milky Ways

A bag of Miky Ways is an extremely happy occasion once it happens to you, but for anyone within earshot it is one of the scariest occurences, if not the scariest in their entire lives.

It mostly includes monsters and bloodcurdling screams of friends.

A: "Oh, shit! I have a bag of Milky Ways!" (Happy/Surprised.)
B: "Waaaahhh!!!! Aaaasadkjhkjhhh!! Aaaahhhhhh!!! (Mortified)

by JoetheGrim September 20, 2011

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