Austin's usually are country boys. With a charming smile and a big heart. They will tell you all the right things to get you to do what they want. Austin will make promises to make you feel safe just to never fulfill them. Austin will usually break your heart if your to nice. Austin's go after bitchy girls and if your a nice caring woman will use you till he is over you and has used you dry. Watch out for country boys named austin.
Person 1: Hey look at that country boy, he seems sweet.
Person 2: But be careful girl his name is austin.
Is a boy who will steal your heart and keep it safe he's the boy you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. You and him will fall in love instantly and neither of you will want it to end. You both know it will last forever because of what you both have. Austin is the boy of your dreams. With his light brown hair and those light brown green eyes that are somewhat hazel like, a smile that is contagious, although he is a little short. He makes up for it in another area(iykyk). He's so attractive and very hot. You will never want to take him for granted. He really does try his hardest even when you think he's over all amazing he won't feel like it so constant reassurance is needed. He's perfect but he's just a boy. But that boy will make you smile everytime you think of him. He will make everyday worth living. He will make you feel like he gave you the world. You'll often think how did I get so lucky to end up with this magnificent Austin. Well simply by being you. He loves you so much. He has layers yes and it is so worth the time to understand him. You'll find yourself daydreaming about how amazing he is. Austin is the guy you want to meet your family with. Hes the guy you want to show off to everyone you know to let them know what perfection truly is. Austin is a one of a kind guy never ever let him go. I love my Austin
Trevor: "Did you meet my friend Austin?"
Lilly: "yeah"
*he's so amazing*
Austin will make you mad and piss you off sometimes but over all is very nice and cares about others. He is trust worthy and always listens when you need him.
Austin is so considerate
Austin is very kind and sweet and cares about others, he will listen and always be there for you, he is very considerate of others. He is also very funny and cute. We love Austin because he is someone who will care about you no matter what, he is trust worthy and loves to make other people laugh.
Austin is very considerate
Austin is very kind and sweet and cares about others, he will listen and always be there for you, he is very considerate of others. He is also very funny and cute. We love Austin
Austin is very considerate
Austin will make you mad and piss you off sometimes but over all is very nice and cares about others. He is trust worthy and always listens when you need him.
Austin is so considerate
A guy who looks like he would be outgoing, but instead is an introvert. He likes to be by himself and sit in a dark room and get lost in his own thoughts.
Girl 1- Hey, I hear Austin is cool to be around!
Guy 1- No, he likes to be by himself, I wouldn’t bother trying to be friends with him.