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This stands for Dumb ass bitch

Ryan: Oh my god Emily is a dab
Chloe: whats that?
Ryan: a dumb ass bitch

by Qwirkybitch June 5, 2020


The motion you use to properly clean painful and inflamed hemorrhoids with wet wipes or moist toilet paper.

I've been wiping my asshole very agesively to Clean my hemorrhoids, the doc said I should dab them gently tho.

by Mclovem December 12, 2017


Dead๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’€died in january2017

Do the dab no ITS dead

by Cmb_mikael March 20, 2018


to put one arm extended out and the other curving around your face

Daniel dabbed like a pro

by DAT BOI222 March 2, 2017


An action a moron performs to attract other morons.

โ€œHey look, that guy dabbed, what a f*cking loser.โ€

by IHateThisDumbSite July 4, 2018


The swaggiest of all things swag...

...for the moment.

"Do a dab for us!"

by Hotstuff Bacon October 6, 2016


When a person thinks they are cool and does this... the most cringe thing on planet Earth

Man 1: Did you just Dab?
Man 2: Yeah.
Man 1: Jump off a bridge.

by maximos020612 April 7, 2017