An attractive girl who’s personality is the equivalent to dirt. A dirt girl usually has a darker skin tone and chewed finger nails. She will also jump on trends way too late and drag them on.
“Yo I think that broad kinda hot, I think I’m gonna go try and slide in.” “Nah dude I have a class with her and she is a total dirt girl.”
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An attractive male who is aware of their attractiveness and continues to be thirsty for females whilst having a girlfriend.
"Mitch just texted me "what's up" at 2:48 am"
"Oh he a dirt dick"
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Hey Chief Shithead pull in the Shell so I can get some Devils Dirt.
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Any person that prefers to be on the giving end of anal sex. This person is very animated in their performance, often slapping the ass of the person they are “riding” - as a jockey would ride a race horse. Often homosexual men, but a dirt jockey can be a straight man and sometimes a lesbian or straight woman in a pegging situation.
Darth: Hey where’s Doug?
Maverick: Oh, he’s hanging out at Dave’s house tonight.
Darth: Uh-oh...that dude is a master dirt jockey. He uses a crop and everything! Does Doug know that?
Maverick: He’ll probably figure it out later, right? LOL!
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a females 's anus. It usually has a sexual connatation
She took it in the dirt chute like a real champ.
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A term used by ricers to define a car that is extremely low to the ground. Most of the time this will involve their car scraping on the ground whenever they drive it.
Damn Son, that Honda is dirt nasty low!
V. The act of safeguarding one's interests, personally, rather than relying upon other parties for support.
Don't hide behind your bodyguard! If you can't handle your dirt then don't talk like you real.