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A fuckin' poser. Someone who thinks they're punk (Apparently crying your eyes out and slashing your body is a good way to rebel, according to these idiots). When the "emo" trend started, punk started dying. Same with metal and Pantera's unfortunate departure. Actual emo is a form of music, stemming back to the early 90's as a type of hardcore (emotive hardcore). I wear slim-fit jeans that are black or gray and black band shirts (Only color band shirts come in really), and some Fallen shoes (I skate, yes) but people confuse that with being emo, now, thanks to MTV and mainstream "culture". I would wear white but other than skate tees, I like band shirts and they most commonly come in black so, *shrug*. I'm a metalhead. Plain and simple. Now it's "punk" to become vegan and starve yourself of perfectly good meat that's important for a healthy body, when in reality, the animal you "care" so much about just died for nothing when you refused to eat it. But yeah, that's a whole different subject all together. Stop being so depressed, if you really are. Don't make your depression some "style" cuz it's not. Get over your depression. Metal has always been there for me in rough times. You'll get through it, just stop trying to capitalize on it, then you just come off as someone with no self-respect.

Emo kid: I wear tight black jeans and eyeliner and paint my nails and cry at night. I give metalheads who dress similarly a bad name. Someone help?

Anyone else/Metalhead: Go listen to Hatebreed or Pantera. Hell, go pop in some Children of Bodom.

by Fallen and Zero For Life February 26, 2009

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When emo people get depressed they write sobby songs and make suicide notes. Their favorite songs are usually titled 'Stab my heart because I love you'
Their dudes look like chicks, their chicks look like dykes.
When they get depressed they cut their wrists in every direction.
They steal their sister's eyeliner and usually their mascara.
They say things like, "My life is like a black abyss, you know? It's so dark. And it's suffocating me, getting a hold of me and tightening it's grip. Tighter then my sisters pants, which look great on me by the way."
Hearing songs about getting dumped give them an erection.
They cry during classes.
They listen to Taking Back Sunday while crying and slicing their arm.
They feel real deep, when they dress like a drag. They call it freedom of expression, most just call them a fag.


"Dear diary, mood: apathetic. I didn't have enough money to go the blood red romance and suffocate me dry concert. Which sucks because they play some of my favorite songs like 'Stab my heart because I love you' and 'Rip apart my soul' and of course 'Stabby Rip Stab Stab'"

"I can't get through a Hawthorne Heights album without sobbing"

"I don't jump around when I go to shows; I must be emo. I like to whine and hit my parentals; I must be emo. Me and my friends all look like clones; I must be emo


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need to get over themselves.

Most emos are well-off melodramatic losers, who have things better off than some people.

by Wassup? September 14, 2007

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Emo is a word used to describe kids who are complete and utter failures at life.

Emo kid "Your so mean to me! Nobody understands me in this world! I'm going to cut myself now!"

Set "Do it dumbass! Give the knife, i'll do it for you!!"

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

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The best people in the world - including my friends & me. They listen to the Best Music, read the Best Books, wear the Right Clothes, vote for the Right Party and always have the Best Intentions.

Emos of the world, unite!!!!!!!!!

by Cloudie September 9, 2005

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some loser kids who think its cool to act like their life is so horrible.And then they cry about it and slit their wrists.And whats even more incredible their is a whole style of dress(tight faggy clothes) that came out of this whole queer ass emotionally charged group of music fans.If you are a man and You like emo you may as well go cry to your mom because no one else wants to here it,

I'm gonna trample that emo fag in the mosh

by Benji molinaman October 11, 2005

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sexually molested

My brother was emoed.

by Inspector Harry Bush August 21, 2003

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