Someone who is able to read a paragraph of a book/text and recite it at any time using Fail-graphic Memory, thus whilst it is awesome, they are incapable utilizing the information in real life situations. Making them utterly useless.
Similar to: Photographic Memory
Michael: Hey man remember that long 'arse' paragraph on physics that allowed us to change the molecular format of gravity?
John: Sure! *recites said paragraph*.
Michael: Ah, fuck i dont understand that, since your remmeber it, use it.
John: I don't know how, due to my lack of ability to employ the said information to real life problems. I suffer from Fail-graphic Memory.
When a comment, idea or situation is so bad it requires a rating on a scale.
Because Scales and Fails are SRS BSNESS
"On a scale of 1-Fail, I'm feeling your idea is all fail"
"On a scale of 1-Fail Steve, your comments on late-term abortions are pointing towards fail"
"After telling my friends I had important work to be doing and couldn't come to some chicks b-day party at work, yet instead sat in my underwear sweating profusely until 3am pounding the ass of a giant dragon with an extremely low chance of dropping some sort of epic item for my elf alter-ego
At this point I Realised, On a Scale of 1-Fail.. My Life was all Fail"
"Steve: Oh god man, I sneezed so hard I think.. I think I shat my pants.
Dave: I'm not even bringing the scale in on this one, gtfo Steve, I Don't even know why we hang with you man"
A hang up fail is what occurs in the least opportune moments where you press the hang up button on a call but because of a laggy phone or dirty fingers the call doesn't hang up often resulting in the person on the other end of the line listening to you for a while after you hang up.
You:"okay I gotta do some stuff talk to you later" *presses hang up, sits on toilet... farts loudly*
Person STILL on the line: "I can hear you"
Hang up fail!
You:"okay, talk to you later" *presses hang up button* Jesus, what an unimaginable BITCH!
Person STILL on the phone: "what the F**K?!"
Hang up fail!
The worst type of fail possible.
-"Success! I know have enough money for petrol!"
-"Really? What did you do?"
-"I sold my car!"
-"...catastrophic organ fail."
Epic Fail:(n)Not your average fail-not just a oops- but a full blown, game over fail.
Epic Phail:(n)The failingest fail that anyone could ever fail. Its worse than Epic fail, so much worse that it can only be spelled Phail.
Epic Fail (phail)
1.That skate boarder just crashed into a pole trying too do a 180. (prime example of Epic Fail)
2.The skate boarder also fell with the pole attached to his helmet into a 1200 ft.deep lake.(prime example of Epic Phail)
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A person who has gained celebrity status from an example, usually in the form of a youtube video, of them epically failing to do something. They have epically failed with such finesse that they have earned respect from everyone and will continue to remain viral on the interwebs for a long time.
"Yo dude, have you seen that Epic Fail Wizard Mark Gormley on youtube yet?"
"I literally wept the first time I heard his music, dude- it was like hearing an angel that just ate another angel- so it had the power of two angels"
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(adjective)- originally derived from when a transsexual male wears woman jeans and you can clearly see their balls bulging out in the "groin" area. This definition leads into what is know officially known as a ball sack fail:
(adjective)- A ballsack fail is the worst/biggest fail you can think of or encounter.
Examples of a Ball Sack fail include (but are not limited too): Having sex with a person contracting herpes/getting in an accident with a car that isn't yours/ or giving the fat drunk chick your number at a party.
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