Another name for the skateboard trick combination of kickflip and backside smith grind.
Person 1: Do a Morrissey Flip.
Johan Stuckey: What is that? Kickflip back smith? fuck it, that's what a Morrissey flip is...
The act of taking a half a tab of acid and one small dose of adderall
You trying to Splenda Flip tonight for Space Jesus? I'm pretty broke.
A skateboarding trick consisting of doing a hospital flip going fakie and turning backside (180°); half cab hospital flip.
That Beetle Flip was insane !!
Slang term for the act of a homosexual trying to turn a confirmed or supposed heterosexual person into a homosexual relationship for the purpose of dating or fleeting sexual intercourse; Often this accomplished by appealing to the subject's emotional vulnerabilities, uncertain or fluid sexuality, and even romance under false pretenses (i.e.: Pretending to a member of the opposite sex).
"Too many drag queens out here on the streets playing games and trying to flip pancakes instead of finding one of their own to love"
The combination of DMT, LSD and magic mushrooms.
"Bro I'm planning on super flipping tonight with DMT, acid and shrooms"
To get insanely pissed off. To lose it and go crazy. To the extent of going postal.
Some guy really pissed Josh off something fierce. I watched him totally flip a triscuit.
Flip tie is used for many things.
It is uses across timelines and dementions.
Only the wise and smart know the true definition of this word.
Flip tie can be used to describe something or be used as a location. Anything you say it is really.
Going to go and grab the flip tie.
How about a flip tie?