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ghost fart

When your driving in your vehicle and and you smell a terrible fart and your all alone. You realize that it was the vehicle in front of you who farted and it traveled back into your face.

Holy docking bubble I think they guy I front of us just hit us with a ghost fart.

by dlboone24 October 6, 2014

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Bear Ghost

Bear Ghost is an Adventure Rock band from Phoenix, AZ that fuses intricate musicianship, melodies and song structure to deliver a one of a kind sound. Over the years Bear Ghost has enjoyed national recognition through fans discovering the band on Spotify. Both albums combined have gained over 14 million streams, turning people in other markets into fans, building a steady demand for the band to perform beyond it's local market.

"Hey, did you hear the newest song from Bear Ghost?" "You mean BTBBRBBBQ?" "Yeah, it was awesome, right?"

by 444dicktionary December 31, 2021

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Snot Ghosts

When your nose is running so much and is so raw that instead of blowning your nose for the hundredth time you just stick tissues up your nose so snots not dripping out, the remainder of the tissue sticking out of your nose resembles old fashioned sheet ghosts. Hence Snot Ghosts.

My nose is so raw from blowing it so much, that I opted for snot ghosts today for some relief.

by OutbreakMonkey May 8, 2009

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ghost message

A message, or messages, sent while the recipient is not online.
It is usually intended for the recipient to read when they come online & not necessary or vital to send in an active conversation.
Ghost messages usually are about previously stated information or just something that you would like the recipient to read & not necessarily respond to.

(Please note the timestamps on these examples)
Example 1:
9:20 PM
Sebastian: Do you think you could come tonight?
Anna: Maybe. I don't know... I'll have to ask my mom.
12:00 AM
Anna: I was reading up some things about tickets... It costs 50$ to go there, then we need to consider the amount for food & attractions.
10:15 AM
Sebastian: Oh, right. It closes at 9 too.

Example 2:
3:00 PM
(very random conversation about things)
3:50 PM
Ian: (link to a funny YouTube video)
6:18 PM
Evan: What the hell did you send me.

Example 3:
11:25 AM

Sam: (sends notorious spam)
5:00 PM
Piper: why do you keep ghost messaging me
Sam: ghost messages. (jazz hands)

by Killossal November 1, 2016

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Ghost Girls

The best South Park au comic on the internet. Created by the amazing and awesome Yarn on instagram. Iโ€™m actually the biggest fan of ghost girls. (Sp.ghost_girls on instagram and tik tok hehe)

โ€œYo have you read the new chapter of Ghost Girls?โ€

by Jddjidincchchc June 28, 2022

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deep ghost

To deep ghost is when a girl gives you a blow job and "deep throats" your cock, so much so that it disappears, much like a ghost. Often but not always, the eyes will roll back into the head, giving off the impression of a kind of ghostly possession of the head-giver.

Rhea was giving me a blow job last night and out of nowhere she completely deep ghosted my cock. It felt incredible.

by frenchmacaroons February 6, 2017

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The Ghostโ€™s Finger

n: The sexual act of taking a popsicle, sticking it in a ladyโ€™s anus; inserting your penis inside her vagina and trying to feel the cold popsicle through the perineum membrane.

M: โ€œYou want to spice things up tonight? Iโ€™m been wanting to try the ghostโ€™s finger for a whileโ€

W: โ€œ As long as itโ€™s not too cold for me too!โ€

by Bendazan May 10, 2022

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