Source Code

Deke Hammer

This act is preformed when a man 'batwings' his ball sack over his partners vagina and then uses his penis to hammer his balls into her.

The Deke Hammer gave Colin some serious blue balls the next morning.

by Rampant lion September 7, 2013

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Thor's Hammer

When one gets aroused by thunderstorms or loud, booming noises.

This thunderstorms given John a bad case of Thor's Hammer. He has to get nailed during thunderstorms.

by OtterWithMjolnir August 2, 2018

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todd hammer

Hammer in which a โ€œ specialโ€ person needs to keep from hurting themselves!!

Use the Todd Hammer so you do not hurt yourself.

by Bumpkin42167 January 7, 2019

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Being so hammered that when you walk you slam into things in your path.

When you are slam-hammered it's hard to walk down a hallway without slamming into the walls as you go.

by JelinaCulia May 14, 2009

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Valdosta hammer

A disorder where a man has a one inch peter from chronic inbreeding. Most prevalent in Valdosta

I got hit yet again by a Valdosta hammer

by Dependable Don March 12, 2023

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Jack Hammer

A sex act that involves clapping your hands together and making a pointer with your index and middle finger. You then slide the "jack Hammer" into your girlfriend and you shake your arms like a jackhammer.

Last night I received the jack hammer and I couldn't walk this morning.

by Joe likes yogurt March 25, 2022

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douche hammer

A baseball bat. Specifically an older bat, kept behind the driver's seat for the sole purpose of beating the fuck out of cracker ass douchebag white boys.

Ey nigga, throw me the douche hammer, im bout to split this bitches shit-

by K-Roc-Z October 11, 2007

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