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internal jowls

Redundant posterior pharyngeal tissue (back of the throat) that causes an obese person to talk like a dying frog.

It was difficult to understand his garbled speech due to his ample internal jowls.

by Nmlslc January 21, 2024

internal jowls

The inflamed pharyngeal tissue (in the back of throat) that causes the very obese person to talk like a dying frog.

It was difficult to understand what he was saying due to his internal jowls creating a speech impairment.

by Nmlslc January 21, 2024

Internal funeral

This phrase is most commonly used to describe a funeral that is happening within. This is not a physical funeral. This is a soul funeral, a spirit funeral. This funeral is grasping for air because it is trapped within like a mouse in one of those little wood traps. Mice traps are actually a reference to internal funeral, so if you ever see one make sure you jump on it full force with no shoes on while screaming internal funeral at 3 am with three candles surrounding you making a triangular shape at an obtuse angle to attract wealth and some bad bitches. (No scam logang!)

Shoot me ive been tryna die, yuh internal funeral brewing inside

by internalfuneral January 15, 2024

Apple International School

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Apple international school is a school full of people

Wow look it’s Apple international school WOW!

by Emekeke September 8, 2022

International Threesome Day

International threesome day is celebrated on the 21st of January every year. This is when three individuals get together and have sexual intercourse.

I can't wait for international threesome day.

by Memes.n more January 19, 2022

International Tuck-In-Your-Shirt Day

Celebrated in memory of Emperor Kameyama of Japan on the 4th of October every year. Everyone must tuck in their shirts today.

Hey, Today is International Tuck-In-Your-Shirt Day, tuck in your shirts!

by Destroytion October 4, 2022

International Jilly Day

International Jilly Day is a day to celebrate the ‘Jilly’ in your life in honour of the original Jilly Hunts Birthday. Jilly day is the most important day of the year as it celebrates your weed and nicotine addicted. Jilly will diagnose you with a brain tumour, and understand you have night googles. These are just a few of Jilly’s traits that add to her worthiness of a day of honour. We heart you Jilly.

Person 1: omg yay it’s international jilly day!! how did you meet your jilly?
Person 2: no way! my favourite day of the year!! aha actually, she stole my chips and salsa then proceeded to diagnose me with a brain tumour while high out of her mind.
Person 1: oh man, sounds like a great jilly.

by ric beans and pie January 25, 2022