Shortened version for Japanese wife. There are lot of people mentioning their Japanese wife on reddit to have some kind of alibi for whatever they say. So the term j-wife was coined.
Oh look at Joe who thinks he'll live a happy life once he gets his j-wife.
There are a lot of people mentioning their j-wife's on reddit.
The joint you smoke in the garage after getting home from middle school before your mom gets home from yoga.
I wanted to smoke some weed after school, but my mom was getting home from yoga in 5 minutes, so I had to have a speedy j.
A common phrase to descibe a stupid arrogant potato-headed cuntface. They will often claim to be brilliant at english when, in fact, they're utter shit and have the IQ of a 4 year old. Will also often masturbate over mario, pokèmon and WWE until the age of 21 where they will die of retardism, herited from mothers who earn £7,000 a year or less.
Note- often strangly resembles the Michelin Man.
"Look kieran, that mother has a j dubbers!"
"Oh god, i do feel sorry for her having look at such a vile specimen"
When you drink way too much way too fast
Oh man, I drank a case of beer in 4 hours, I was j drunk.
This bastered violated not only me but my uncle and my dogs he is short in height and in langth and is a wanted criminal.
A common pejorative used by University of Florida students to describe Jennings Hall, a residence hall on campus. The name was dubbed after Jennings Hall became associated with mold, poor air quality, and filthy communal bathrooms.
Nick: I know someone who lives in Jennings Hall
Ally: Oh you mean Dirty J? I remember hearing horror stories from its residents last year. And its in such a distant of campus.
a short, ugly loser who has no friends and plays the trumpet.
Person 1:who's that loser?
Person 2:oh.
*long pause*
that's just Emmett J