Source Code

Max M.

Someone who is self-obsessed and thinks they are the only important person in the world and as a result acts selfishly and is ignorant of people around them.

"That was such a Max M. move right there"

by NYC student May 29, 2018

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Dirty Max

When you are at the mall with your friends and your bud Max starts humping every anime poster at the theaters.

Your a dirty max

by Dirty_69 December 7, 2022

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Max fetish

The humping of inanimate objects for pleasure due to child restrictions on devices.

Last night he really had a max fetish when that cereal bar got dry humped for 30 mins straight

by Blaziken February 25, 2019

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Max & Gino's

A store located in Long Island, NY.
It has all the things that japs need to "survive": Lacoste, Uggs, Juicy Couture, So Low, Project E. and etc...
It sells hot designer styles at always a great value. There are always sales. Mostly Japs and Caps go to this store.

Ana: "OMG, Rachel, I LOVE your new shirt!"
Cat: "OMG, isn't it so cute?! I bought five of them at Max & Gino's yesterday."
Cat: "OMG, I so have to go there this week and get that new Juicy Couture tee that my Daddy said he would buy for me if I cleaned my room."

by panic! lover July 12, 2006

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max lieberman

the act of sticking all the monopoly pieces in your ass.

When im bored i like to max lieberman

by scott allen November 6, 2004

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The apex of the big 3 core's (hardocore, x-core, and max-core.)
Derived from the imfamous x-core seen extensively on myspace.

Can be used to mock or praise, as shown in the examples.

(After the spotting of an overly made-up emo)
Spotter: Damn, did you see that emo *laughs*
You: Yeah, she was so max-core.

(After spotting a well designed t-shirt)
You: That shirt is max-core!

by Aleks Sav January 1, 2006

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max dressler

unfunny guy, doxed someone, cant dance, annoying
๐Ÿ˜‚โœจ๐Ÿ™ˆ dont stan him

lmao you are so not funny
lmao you are so max dressler

by ratluver May 5, 2020

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