Any relationship between individuals that does not conform to traditional hetero normal social standards of a monogamous marriage between a man and a woman. Alternative Relationships include but are not limited to people in same-sex marriages, the polyamorous, swingers, a-sexual partnerships, well as relationships based on power exchange, fetishes, or historic relationship archetypes such as 1950s Households.
Doug's parents were shocked when they learned that he was bisexual and polyamorous. Doug explained that there were many types of Alternative Relationship types today besides traditional marriage.
Jordan Peterson's ASSERTION is demonstrably false. Their level of competence likely varies. Their level of confidence is independent of their pursuit. Amd doesn't the Dunning Kruger effect demonstrate an inverse correlation between confidence and competence? If their not competence isn't it likely that their confidence would be high? And the issue exploding into nebulous plume of semantics regarding what constitutes 'competence and confidence' for example if you look at Leonardo Decaprio he's one of the most competent actors of all time. Clearly pursuing short term mating. 4 to 5 years max. Jordan peterson believes it takes at least to years to even get to know a person and he also purports to believe that the only true consent is marriage.
Hym "So, men pursuing short term relationships AT THE VERY LEAST are unlikely to have the attributes ascribed by Jordan Peterson. If you look at professions with a high volume of groupies you see both a high level of competence and excessive short term copulation (i.e. Athletes, Musicians, Actors, ect). It just isn't the case. It's literally just a true scottsman project on to people who are fucking all of the women while ingoring entirely the women's agency in short term mating."
This is when a person is trying to pick who the person wants to be in a relationship with
Carly: so who would u choose. Ann:i dont know. i hate being in a fucking relationship shop
Where an individual has that many one night stands or dates with different people that they all merge into their version of a relationship.
1: "You've been on that many dates this week that they all seem to merge into a flick-book relationship!"
Like beer goggles, relationship goggles are the perception distortions of those couples who seem completely mismatched but are so "in love" they don't see the other's faults. They only come off after the relationship has ended, leaving both halves to wonder why the fuck they ever got into that relationship.
bro #1: how come the hot chick is dating that fuckwad?
bro #2: c'mon bruh it's the relationship goggles
see also post-relationship regret
a relationship between middle schoolers that is usually cringy, drama filled, short lived, and/or idiotic. you will likely want to vomit due to the cringe
Tara: Omg Kyle you’re soo cute!
Kyle: Stawp it! You’re cuter!
Tara: I wuv you so much honeybun! <3
Kyle: I wuv you more my sugarplum!
*awkward side hug*
An average kid trying to get to class: I'm gonna be sick. They’re the cringiest middle school relationship ever.
Their friend: Ditto.
A relationship in Middle School that lasts about 5,000,000 microseconds (which is really 5 seconds). It's a pure waste of time. Thank God I didn't go through one.
Brian: Hey Ben, did you know that Matthew got a girlfriend?
Ben: Dude, it's a middle school relationship, it will last about 5,000,000 microseconds and then they'll break up.