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Lorde Del Douche

Someone preferably a male. Thinks they are this 'amazing' human being. That takes pleasure in being raciest or rude to people for no particular reason. They think they are so so perfect and that everyone looks up to them when in reality people sneer at how stupid, lame and how much of losers they are. They like to think they can get anyone they like but really those people like to keep Lorde Del Douche in private for obvious reasons but male does not see that. Also, Del Douche's like to screw old wrinkly men but also very cheaply so also they are desperate and pathetic. Sorry. Not Sorry. You're Welcome. :)

Lorde Del Douche: OMG don't look at my hair I just fixed it 100 times and its still not perfect (girl voice)
Lorde Del Douche: y is no1 talkin to me lol im amazin fuk u. LOOK at my skin SEE how amazing and how much better I am than u

Girl: Jeez get over yourself your ugly as fuck. You might as well be a girl, Freak.

by omgimsoperf October 8, 2013

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dark lord bill

Bill Gates himself

d00d, i pirated xp and ripped off dark lord bill!

by neoprint April 27, 2004

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Time Lord Technology

Anything that seems to be bigger on the inside. Ref: The Doctor's TARDIS, which, while from the outside looks to be a simple phone box, actually is a time-and-space-traveling ship which includes but is not limited to a control room, a wardrobe room and a swimming pool.

Guy, watching incredulously as a Girl rummages in purse, digging out a wallet, a book, two tubes of lipstick, several hair accessories and a phone: "All that stuff fit in your tiny pocketbook?"

Girl: "Yeah. Time Lord Technology"

Guy: "Oh right...bigger on the inside"

by Veranda Collingwood January 3, 2011

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Jizz Lord

When a man/women or it ,because of all the fucking feminazis and there needs to be gender "neutral" shit going around, goes around jizzing everywhere, while at the mall, at a family gathering, your basement or anyplace in general

Man that bitch last night was a mad "Jizz lord" she made me clean up to (fuck my fucking life, there was so much jizz) .

by TitanicGlynn@Fuck you December 26, 2017

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Lord Privy Seal

Amateurs and novices in the making of documentaries can't resist illustrating every significant word in the commentary by cutting to a picture of it. The Lord Privy Seal is an antiquated title in Britain's heraldic tradition. The joke imagines a low-grade film director who illustrates it by cutting to a picture of a Lord, then a privy, and then a seal.

(from richarddawkins.net)

Crappy Documentary "I've hit rock bottom" (show a picture of a stone and a butt on the screen)

Audience, "Hey, that's another crappy Lord Privy Seal"

by Oxyborb December 24, 2008

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lord tunderin jesus

a term people from Newfoundland and Labrador or Halifax would use as an overwhelming statement like they have just seen, done or heard something amazing like "oh my god" or "holy crap"

person 1 "lord tunderin jesus i just got a job"

person 2 "no way dear by how did you do it"

by billiam_269 May 21, 2009

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Lord Farquaad energy

Influential, aggressive males under 5'7. Value respect and allegiance above all else. Often hard-working and aggressive as an outcome of compensation. When you come across one, you can just tell: their favorite character in the film Shrek is Lord Farquaad.

An attractive trait if monitored. Despotic if left unchecked.

Fiona: His empire is hot but his insecurity is not.
Lucy: He's got serious Lord Farquaad Energy.

by nolandc August 14, 2019