When you fall asleep drunk with your dick out and it gets Stuck to some lame ass ugly chick that you don't want to awaken you just run and rip it off of whomever it's stuck to and scream spetch mode
Bro last night I had to pull a spetch mode on that skank Heather
When you take too much amphetamines (like adderall) and you’re so high, zoned in like a zombie. Also applicable when rolling on molly.
Bro, them addys had you in zombie mode last night.
That molly was too strong- had me in zombie mode.
when you have a rock solid boner
She sat on my lap and I went boulder mode.
The way a human feels when his or her body is able to shit.
Individuals are not always sufficiently relaxed to take a shit ( to have a bowel movement ), they are not always in the shitting mode. When something or someone frightens a person, they enter the flight or fight mode and their body will not want to or be able to get rid of the solid waste until they have relaxed sufficiently to do so. Being relaxed is the key to being in the shitting mode. Hey, that calls to mind the fucking mode, the farting mode, the whatever mode, the thinking mode. Each mode is strictly dependent on a specific set of conditions.
Sucking on boobs until they turn black and blue, like a leech would do
"I went so leech mode on her last night"
The phase you go through to become a better version of yourself.
1. I had to go don mode to pass my classes this year.
2. My sickness affected my diet so I have to go don mode in the gym for the rest of the year.
debate mfs after they lose a round and when the judge is giving feedback they look like one of them goombas from mario bros
bro, that team USA kid went total goomba mode after that judge screw