A 2020s zeitgeist Roman proverb
Person 1: Bro why do oppreshun olympians of all shades support Hamas in 2023?
Person 2: Because if you kang against Rome, you open door to Mecca
The butthole.
The opening of the anus.
Corn Chute, Turd Tunnel, Crap Cannon, Shit Shooter, Balloon Knot, Monkey Button, Portal to Paradise, Stink star, Hershey Highway, Shit Pit, Brown Eye, Chocolate Starfish, Rusty Bullet Hole, Rusty Sheriffs Badge.
Shaun: I was in the French Opening yesterday for my first time!
Kurt: Oh, I love tennis!
Shaun: No, I mean my boyfriends French Opening.
Getting ready, warming up, getting the blood (ketchup) flowing.
"Time to open the ketchup!
When in the Dutch oven, someone lifts up the blanket to let some fresh air in. Often followed by another round of suffocating, rancid farts.
I thought the Dutch oven incident was over but it turned out it was just a Dutch opening
Refers to where you open a can of soup or fish wif a can opener even though said tasty-comestibles container has a built-in pull-tab.
Employing da "redundant can-opener usage" action isn't necessarily always a silly or time/effort-wasting operation --- it eliminates da hazardously-sharp torn-metal edge, and thus it can enable you to more-safely empty out da can's contents without risking cutting yourself (great for if you're having young and therefore-more-easily-injured children helping you prepare da meal), plus it allows you to more-thoroughly clean out da can instead of wastefully leaving a ring of perfectly-edible food inside da slightly-encroaching-into-da-can's-interior rim of da can.
A big hairy greek man with an unusually thick layer of hair surrounding his legs, this is Wog Can Opener's ozone layer. When Wog Can Opener is frightened or salty, large quantities of milk gush from his anus to ward of any toxicity or absorb his victims. One of Wog Can Opener's most prolific traits is the ability to open any metal object with his spiky Wog teeth. Wog Can Opener also hates Jews and intends to eliminate all Asians and Jews from existence, be warned, his bite is lethal and his milk is sour. Wog Can Opener is also a gay AWOLNATION fanboy, if you ever see a Wog Can Opener in real life, make sure you shove your finger up his ass hole or else your teeth with be consumed.
Yo, diggity dawg, I wish I was a Wog Can Opener.
Oh dude same, careful though, with great Wog comes great responsibility.