A stink chamber
Yo cris I told you I fucked marry last night? Yeah she had the worst stink chamber I’ve ever smelt
When you're eating out a bitch and simultaneously fingering the chocolate starfish.
Yo you know that chick I met at the bar last night? I gave her the old rug-munching stink finger.
Anal version of sneaky link cause stink comes from the rear end.
Yo I just got back from my stink link, I can barley walk my bussy hurts.
Stink Fase - Brown Nosing So Hard you see the backside of the persons eyeballs
Stink Fase - When you have your head up your ass. Even then
John has stink fase, he’s been brown nosing his boss.
Hey John! hows that stink face view from behind your own eyes?
John has his head so far up his own ass he kan see the back side of his eyeballs
Another word for an asshole
I hope she lets me eat her stink gooch tonight
TacoBell bell bell
when the taco goes bell bell bell
"Fard" Said the taco with a sinister smile
bell bell bell
"stinke" the smell u have after being out on a party; hangover
"The morning after my whole room was full of stinke!"